Saturday, August 14, 2010

Beat The Heat

Days like today make me so thankful for air conditioning. Not a huge fan of heat, pregnancy makes me actually kind of dislike hate it. Thankfully I don’t have to be outside and have more than enough inside to keep me busy until next month. After a quick outing with Ryan to grab lunch at the Saturday Market and a few things for tomorrow’s dinner with his parents, I got the urge to clean house and organize some of what was in the nursery. With Ryan off to work and the house clean I stepped in to the half-finished nursery. It has come a long way… Once a bright pink room; now layered with 3 coats of white paint and brown stripes. Must be neutral!

Carlie came and helped seeing as my husband was MIA at work

After two days of painting...the bottom half is finished!

Now we have furniture

With seven weeks left to go, I must say, I feel pretty prepared for this little baby to come. Minus the fact we have saved some, such as picking out a cribset and buying a majority of the clothes, until we find out if this incredibly active and strong baby is a little Prince or Princess! I am still collecting "must haves" for the room, but once again, very hard to do when you can't just boy or just girl decorations. Until then I have tons of ideas saved in my mind for what I would like to do!


  1. Your sister is awesome for painting those stripes for (with?) you! It turned out beautiful. Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!!!

  2. Haha...basically for her...It was my trade in order for me to use her washing machine that weekend. ;-) The taping was probably the hardest, we both knocked that part out. And yes, it turned out great!! Looks good the set up!
