Monday, January 17, 2011

A lot has happened in the last few months…having a baby tops the list. Yes, she is here…Miss Emerie Grace Martin.  She arrived after a little struggle (she was face up and decided her face needed a departing buddy, such as her arm), or a 17 hour labor and a c-section at 4:55 on 10-10-2010. Yes, our little 10-10-10 baby.  She was 7lbs 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long and obviously, a girl.
“Are you okay with that” were my first words after she was born as I looked up at Ryan who was peeking over the c-section separation sheet to make sure, she was in fact a girl, and not the boy he assumed we were having. He didn’t say much just watched as they cleaned Emerie up and put her through an array of tests. I just laid there while they finished things up and dealt with shaking arms. Shaking so badly, they were actually sore the next day. Not enjoyable.  Ryan was first to hold Emerie and she was instantly calm in his arms.  She was perfect.

We stayed in the hospital for three days and left as soon as they said we could. The constant interruptions for vitals checks on both Emerie and I were starting to get a little intrusive and seemed to happen every time we had all fallen asleep.  So, we brought Emerie home.  Waiting for us was her Nana, Auntie Carlie and big sister Baylee…and let’s not forget her other sister, Agape….
It’s been about three months since she came home and she has changed so much.  She no longer is the little baby who just lays there, eats, sleeps and poops. She is actually a little person now. She has quite the personality.  When she gets mad, she kicks her legs and screams. Yes, kicks and screams. We will have our hands full. She smiles at everything, including the dog and her toys, laughs the cutest little belly laugh, and has makes more facial expressions than dirty diapers and that is a lot. We have decided that as she has lost that typical baby look…and now is the perfect combination of both Ryan and I.
We couldn’t be happier or feel more blessed to have her…she is truly a joy!
Now that she has been here for a while things are starting to settle into their places. We almost have a routine down (Bed by 8, snack at 5am, wake up and start our day by 7:30am, and a few scattered naps during the day) which is starting to make life easier for me. It is just her and me (and our dog, who is in heat now, lucky me…two baby girls in diapers) on most days. With Ryan working graves we spend a lot of time playing downstairs with Baby Einstine toys (her favorite), things that are bright and things that make loud noices or out of the house. Trips to Target, to Michael’s Crafts, Old Navy, Babies R Us, fill our day.  I love my baby girl...but there are days where I crave a little interaction, from someone other than a  puppy and a 3 month old. Regardless...I love being a mom. And I love being a stay at home mom.  On Ryan's work days, he sleeps till about 4pm. Which gives me enough time to get out of the house, clean the house, play with dog and baby, and get dinner made and pack his lunch for work...all before he wakes up.  And after he is up, we usually only have about three hours until he heads out the door for we make the most of it!
I realize I have slacked on my blogging…but I feel like I might have had a good excuse J And her name is Emerie.

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